Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Spektrum team is excited to announce the release of The Spektrum Audio Editor program for all Gen2 aircraft transmitters with Voice Alerts. The editor allows you to upload or record up to 32 custom sound events that can be uploaded to your DX6, DX7, DX9, or DX18 Gen2 radio. V1 is available for download here -…/spektrum_audio_editor.html


  1. Can we get a Mac OS X version please!!!

  2. Regarding Spektrum Audio Editor.
    I have the DX9 not the Black One.
    The Audio Editor does not work. I keep getting this message ( an error was detected in the update file.
    I am not impressed.
    I fly quad copters as well and the new voices would help immensely but does not work. I could have saved half the cost
    Of my radio and got these facilities by purchasing the FRsky Taranis.
    The DX9 is a good radio but functions like this let it down and let Spektrum down
    I would be grateful and surprised if I do get a response for this message

  3. I am hoping this is not where this will end. I am hopeful you will allow users more flexibility in being able to delete sounds we will never use for our own uses. Thus creating more available memory to use. Many have tried using this for a IMAC Callout, but there is just not enough memory left for us at this time to make that a possibility.

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